CryZym: Crypthecodinium cohnii and Zymomonas mobilis syntrophy for production of omega 3 fatty acid from byproducts of biofuel and sugar industry (2019-2022)
Project No. Source of funding: European Regional Development Fund Specific Objective 1.1.1 “Improve research and innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to attract external funding, by investing in human capital and infrastructure” measure “Support for applied research”. Project application selection round No.2. Project partners: LSC “Biotehniskais Centrs”, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Project period: 01.04.2019. – 31.03.2022. (36 months) Project costs: 648 000 EUR (374 544 EUR from EU as ERDF funding) Project Leader: Professor, Egils Stalidzāns, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.